Society Grants

Applying for a Grant

  • Grant applications are open for the annual grant after the treasurer training at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term. For the 2024-2025 academic year, that is September 30th.
  • Treasurer training is provided to help navigate the grant process and to demonstrate how to use the bank account. This training is mandatory to complete before a decision can be made on your grant application.
  • Refer to the Grants Policy Document before applying.

What is the Society Grant?

  • Provides funding to help societies fulfil their constitutionally defined objectives.
  • Awarded annually, it is not tied to membership numbers.
  • Grants are based on a society's classification and activity.
  • Additional funding via supplementary grant application can be applied for in the Hillary Term to supplement your annual grant.

What does the CSC fund?

  • Basic Running Costs: Covers general activity expenses, up to €635.
  • Speakers’ Expenses: Includes entertainment, travel, and accommodation.
  • Receptions: Funding based on membership figures up to a limit of €400.
  • Society Classes/Workshops: Expenses for relevant classes.
  • Hire of Items and Purchase of Materials: Subsidises one-off materials.
  • Capital Items: For essential equipment. Can be expensive. Must be purchased by the end of the first semester.
  • Competition & Affiliation Fees: These must fulfil the aims of the society.
  • Library Expenses: Enhances existing society libraries with DVDs/CDs/books
  • Society Travel: Funds conferences, competitions, and field trips.
  • Other: Applies to any other society-related expenses.
  • Contact CSC Treasurer for guidance.

Can our budgetary limit be raised?

  • Yes, request a limit increase if needed.
  • Speak to CSC Treasurer and complete a supplementary grant application online.
Access the Grants Portal